Your extension must be deployed to the adTempus server and to each remote computer where the adTempus Console is running (if you want to be able to edit the custom object from the remote computer).
If a user tries to edit a custom object from a computer where the extension is not installed, adTempus will show an error indicating that the required component is not installed.
When deploying your extension you must include:
Aside from CustomObjectSupport, you should not include any adTempus assemblies. These will already be loaded by adTempus.
The default location for extensions is the "Extensions" folder under the adTempus program folder (e.g., "C:\Program Files\Arcana Development\adTempus\Instances\Default\Extensions"). You should create a new folder under this folder to contain your extension(s). If you have several extensions, you can put them all in the same folder.
If you deploy your extension to the default location, no additional configuration is required. adTempus will scan this folder and load the extensions automatically at startup.
You can also deploy your extension to any other folder on the computer. In this case you must set a Registry value to tell adTempus where to find the extension.
Under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcana Development\adTempus\Extensions", create a String value. The value can be named with your ExtensionID, company name, or any other unique value. Set this value to either: